Here’s An Opinion On:
Submitted by: Clark Covington
A car is one of the biggest purchases a person makes next to the price of their home. Just put it in the garage, you say? If your garage is typical it is already being used to store everything else in your home except the car. Most homes barely have enough room left in the garage to store a bicycle, let alone a car.
Vandals often target cars in the driveway as they are convenient targets. Using a car cover makes it less visible and tells them the car is being protected. They are much more likely to pass your vehicle by instead of mess with it.
Some car covers have a cable with a lock to secure it in place. A car thief has no desire to mess with trying to unlock the car cover, then the car door, an alarm, then the ignition. If they cannot get the car quickly, they will pass by.
Leaving a car in the driveway exposed to the elements is also detrimental to your investment. Leaves, pollen, tree sap, dust and other things blow onto the car even in the most gentle of winds. Any car owner who has had the displeasure of trying to get sap off their vehicle will tell you that it is much better to invest in a car cover. In a storm, debris can be picked up and tossed against the paint job. Branches also can be blown against the car leaving ugly scratches in the finish. The car cover will take this beating instead of your car.
Price ranges vary from the inexpensive to deluxe models. Some are generic and can fit over most vehicles, while there are covers made just for your particular make and model of car, SUV or truck.
Some for the larger vehicles can be partial- say to cover just the front end of a frequently driven vehicle or just the cab while others will cover a full sized pickup and a shell to boot.
For those cars which are awaiting the funds to be repaired or rebuilt as a hobby a car cover can preserve their very existence. Some city ordinances prohibit non-driven vehicles from being visible from the street. A full car cover fills the requirements of the ordinance and protects the vehicle while it is being worked on.
Why not just use a cheap tarp? The answer is simple- a car cover is made with fabrics that will not scratch or react with the finish of the vehicle. A tarp can make no such claim. Besides a tarp really does look tacky- any wind flaps it around pounding it against the paint. It also requires being held down on all sides by rocks or bricks lending to the look of a junk vehicle or a trashy yard. And if the wind is strong enough the whole thing can come flying off, landing in a place it is definitely not wanted.
After spending thousands of hard earned dollars it makes good sense to invest in a product that will protect your investment for years to come.
About the Author: Clark Covington is a public relations specialist working with Show Off Cars, the perfect place to show off your precious investment. More information can be found at
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