Laser Bird Control: A Humane And Effective Solution

Understanding Laser Bird Control

Birds can be a significant nuisance in urban areas, often destroying crops, structures, and presenting serious health risks with their droppings. Traditional bird deterrent methods such as netting, spikes, or noise devices can be ineffective and environmentally unfriendly. A solution to this issue is ‘Laser Bird Control’, a non-lethal, humane bird deterrent system that is gaining popularity worldwide, and notably in Bird Control Australia.

What is Laser Bird Control?

Laser Bird Control uses laser beams of certain colors and variations to deter birds. The birds perceive the approaching laser beam as a physical object, causing a flight response in them. Consequently, they start to avoid the area, reducing bird congestion and damage caused by them. This bird control method is humane and sustainable, as it does not harm the birds; rather, it aims to modify their behavior.

Types of Laser Bird Control Systems

There are two common types of laser bird control systems: handheld devices and automatic devices.

Handheld devices are portable and are used to target specific areas infested by birds. They are typically used to protect smaller properties such as gardens or rooftops.

Automatic devices are more robust and usually installed permanently to protect larger areas. These devices emit laser beams at regular intervals, and the method, frequency, and variations can be programmed according to the user’s needs.

Efficacy and Advantages

Laser Bird Control has been proven to be an outstandingly effective bird deterrent system. Tests have shown that areas protected by these systems report an astonishing decrease in bird activity by 70 to 100 percent. This bodes well for varying scenes – from the quieter rural vineyards and orchards through to busier urban settings and airports where bird activity can be problematic.

The use of lasers ensures no harm is done to the environment. As they are silent and emit light invisible to humans, these systems can be used without disturbance. What’s more, they require minimal maintenance and can hence provide sustainable bird control over the years.

Applications of Laser Bird Control

Widely known for its efficacy, Laser Bird Control systems are commonly used within a wide array of applications. For instance, agricultural fields, vineyards, and orchards use these systems to protect their crops from bird damage. Airports and other aviation areas use lasers to prevent bird strikes – a significant security concern.

Urban areas, such as rooftops, public plazas, or car parks, also employ these systems to mitigate the health risks associated with bird droppings. Additionally, they are used in industrial settings and near bodies of water where birds can congregate in large numbers and become a nuisance.

The Rise of Laser Bird Control in Australia

Many Australian municipalities, farmland owners, and organizations have started employing laser bird control methods to tackle their bird nuisance issues. Notably, Bird Control Australia has observed a significant uptake in laser bird control equipment in recent years. This suggests that Australia is leading in adopting this innovative, effective, and humane method for managing bird nuisances.


Laser Bird Control is an excellent choice for anyone dealing with a bird problem. It is eco-friendly, effective, needs low maintenance, and can be used without causing disturbance to human activity. As more people and organizations become aware of this technology, it is likely to become the standard for bird control globally. With its outstanding efficacy, Australia is already paving the way in the adoption of this humane solution.