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Child Behavior Programs – What To Look For
William Locke
If you are considering child behavior programs, be careful before you buy! If you are confronted with residential programs, be very careful and check out all their credentials and references first. I know one parent who had to pay hundreds and hundreds of dollars for the so called group therapy, the psychologist and the educational consultant. The bills mounted up and in the end the whole seminar or residential course turned to be a fraud. When she checked some of the references, she found that the people on the phone had been paid to say all those false things.
Child behavior programs which are highly respected and have won awards are the ones to go for. Experts are now agreed that behaviour modification with some medication is the best way of coping with ADHD, defiant kids and troubled teens.
Looking at child behavior programs, you will have some serious questions to ask before being tempted to buy or commit yourself. For the home study courses which aim to teach parents some parenting techniques through the principles of behavior therapy or behavior modification, you need to find out the qualifications and experience of the person or persons who wrote the course. You can easily check their qualifications on the Internet. Is that person respected in professional circles and so on? You can also find out which professional associations he or she is connected with.
The second thing to look for in child behavior programs is how the material is delivered and what sort of overall plan is involved and what time scale is required. You will want to know what sort of support there is for people having trouble with the course so a support line or help desk is another must-have. There may be a forum too where you can get help or even an emergency help line. Check these out and you will soon see whether they are serious or not. You can also check for updated posts on blogs , if they are a few months old, this could be a negative sign.
The other main criteria in assessing child behavior programs is whether they offer a guarantee, Can you really get your money back and after how many months? Is that time scale enough for you to give it a fair trial. Is there a free trial and if so, is there enough time for that as well? Looking at the cost of some of the programs, you may well think that the cost of individual counselling would be better. If they carry a price tag, which you think is excessive, then steer clear. A high price is not necessarily an indicator of quality.
There are some programs where you can pay in two or three instalments and this is usually a healthy sign as they are probably not just out for your money. Also the guarantee is the best indicator but you need to read the small print on that one carefully. Don’t be taken in by glossy brochures or websites which look as if they came from Star Wars or Dancing with the Stars! You can judge for yourself how many of the criteria for child behavior programs that we have mentioned are met in the program below. You can also check out this behaviour modification information site as well.
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. Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children’s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD and Behavior Therapy.
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Child Behavior Programs – What To Look For