Here’s An Opinion On:
Article Marketing Tips – 4 Ways to Instantly Improve Your Resource Box
David Hurley
In the end, the only way to benefit from article marketing is to either from backlinks or from the traffic that is directed to your website. The key to successfully accomplishing this is your resource box.
A lot of article marketers spend so much time constructing articles that they simply overlook the resource box in the rush to get published. Unfortunately, this is a huge mistake. Without an effectively-constructed resource box you will be severely limiting the potential benefits that you can gain from the entire process of article marketing.
Here are a few ways that you can improve your resource box and improve your results.
Use Both Your URL and a Keyword
One of the easiest ways to improve your resource box is to include both your URL and your target keyword (both as a hyper-link).
The reason why this helps is because some people are naturally drawn to clicking on the URL instead of the keyword. Plus, some people simply feel more comfortable knowing exactly where they will be going and showing them your URL instills a sense of trust.
Don\’t Talk About Yourself
It may be a blow to your ego, but the people who come across your articles are not reading them because YOU wrote them. They are reading them because they have a problem and they want a solution. Your resource box should reflect this. Don\’t talk about yourself, rather about what you are offering them.
If you want to tell them about yourself do it on the About Me page of your blog.
Your resource box only provides you with a limited number of words, so make sure that you are using them effectively. Instead of talking about yourself, tell them what they will gain from visiting your website. Offering a free report or video is a great way to grab their attention. Plus, when you ask them for their email address, they have already been sold on the free report and won\’t think twice about giving it to you.
Keep It Short
The best resource boxes aren\’t more than 2 or 3 sentences If you have written your article so that it is easy to read, then each paragraph is probably a maximum of 4 sentences Why would change that in your resource box. If your entire article is broken up into little bits, then a huge resource box simply looks awkward.
Leave Them Hanging
A lot of people use their resource box to create a satisfying sense of conclusion, but, if you leave your readers feeling satisfied, why should they click on your link? Your final sentence should let them know that by clicking on your link, they will gain something that they currently don\’t have.
For example, if your article is about the dangers of smoking, then your resource box should tell them that if they click on your link, they can learn 5 tricks to help them stop smoking. Always leave them wanting a little more.
As you can see, there are a number of very simple techniques that you can use to improve the conversion rate of each article. This will ensure that along with a few backlinks, you are also in a position to generate traffic directly.
Some people have argued that you should spend as much time on your resource box as you do your article… They may be on to something.
If you struggle to write articles or need help getting them seen, check out my
PLR article club and article syndication services
at: http://www.grasp-the-nettle.com/articlemarketing/
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