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By Linda D. Allen
Will be Yeast Infection Sufferers be Helped by eating Yogurts? Get the Information You Need about Yogurts and Yeast Infection in this Surprising Article.
If the yeast infections sufferers eat yogurt, will this help to reduce the pain and weakening of their medical problem? There is no immediate answer to this. Although no food component is directly related to yeast infection, many studies from the medical world point to the interesting connection between eating certain types of yogurt everyday and eliminating yeast infection.
Yeast infection is the result of different types of Candida fungus that live in any case in the body. It is for this reason that yeast infection is also called candidiasis or Candida infection. In a healthy person the beneficial bacteria in the guts and a strong immune system will keep the candida in check. But if these factors are compromised, Candida can over grow without limits, get into the blood circulation and then travel all over the body. Symptoms of candidiasis are then all too evident.
It is the destruction of this inner equilibrium from either the death of friendly bacteria or the debilitation of the immune capabilities that allows Candida bacteria to run amok. Many internal and external factors contribute to this problem.
This explains why yogurt that contains beneficial bacteria has been suggested in many reports by doctors as a remedy. The probiotic bacteria help to reinforce the immune system and assist in its combat against yeast infections. The yogurts that contain probiotics called Lactobacillus acidophilus are the ones that help the healthy bacteria in the intestinal lining. 8 ounces per day of such yogurt will make a significant difference in reducing Candida levels back to where they should be.
Note that when yogurt is made from cow’s milk that is non organic, it may have several undesirable features. The reason is for the antibiotics which are injected into cows and therefore get into the cow’s milk. These antibiotics destroy good bacteria in your intestines. In addition cow’s milk products were meant for calves and not for humans and are therefore less easy to digest. When available use organic goats and sheep’s milk which are better adapted to fighting yeast infections.
Organic yogurt which contains no added sugar can help to reduce candidiasis symptoms. You should avoid excessive consumption of such dairy products however, because of the heavy mucus that milk products stimulate and the allergies that can contribute to more Candida overgrowth.
Yeast Infection is the result of many different elements and is complex in nature. Improved diet plans are a good start, but they are not the complete solution to this ailment. So use them as part of a full, holistic, all-natural solution.
Did you hear the news that there is now a full, all natural, holistic treatment to get rid of yeast infections permanently? It deals with the internal factors that cause yeast Infection so that you can recover your well-being and natural health and stay free from yeast infection permanently.
About the Author: Linda Allen is a health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book
Yeast Infection No More
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Yogurt and Yeast Infection
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