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Responsibilities of a Web Designer
Lee jay
Since the advent of internet, web designing and web designer have gained huge popularity. But what is web design and what is its necessity? Web design is the art of creatively presenting the content to the end user through a World Wide Web by using a web browser or web enabled software. The main aim of web design is to create a web site (collection of electronic files inside a web server) and present its content and attractive features to its user in the form of web pages.
With growing demand for information technology, web design is gaining huge prominence. As a result the number of people taking up web design as profession is also on the rise. Working as a web designer could be quite taxing as it comes with lot of responsibility and burden. For instance- when you are assigned the work of developing a web page critical to someones business, you are confronted with a situation where even a slightest error could ruin the other persons business. Web designing is no doubt a very lucrative profession but before jumping to conclusions, it is important that each of us understand what is it that is expected out of a web designer? This is something we all would like to know. Some of the responsibilities of web designer are discussed below: Confidentiality: Most often than not web designers are provided access to business critical resources like servers, passwords, usernames, databases and other strategic information. In such situations, web designers need to make sure that they maintain absolute confidentiality, not to lose any data, not overwrite documents without archiving them, record information every time your replace a user account, record information on timely basis from previous hosting and record information in a secure manner. Responsibility: Even though it is not mentioned in the contract, business performance is one of the prime responsibilities of a web designer. A web designer needs to make sure that he uses appropriate redirects and thus follows traffic along new pages, use robots.txt to block access to private areas and ensure that popular content continues to exist in the new site. Managing financial data: Management of financial data and email accounts is also a part of web designers job responsibility. Since he has access to all most all kinds of information, he needs to follow few ethics. For instance- in case he is required to check his clients email account, he needs to inform the same to his client and guarantee his client about privacy of critical and personal information. Although this entire process seems to look easy, web design is quite complicated in itself as it crosses multiple disciplines including information system, information technology and communication design. Despite its complexity, web design is an ongoing activity. Hence before creating and uploading a website, it is important to devote sufficient time to plan what is required considering target audience or target market as well as the purpose for which the content is going to be developed.
Lee Jay is the author of this article on Web Design London. Find more information about SEO Packages here.
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Responsibilities of a Web Designer